Mystery Piece Right Now
Last night I didn't finish beading until about 2 AM and at that point I was too tired to write something witty, pretty and wise, so I decided to wait until today to post something.
I am working on the design for the January 3D Puffy Star. If you are not sure what I'm talking about let me explain. Each month I release a pattern for a new Star. These stars are made by creating 5-6 warped squares and then piecing them together to form a 5 or 6 point star. They are usually stuffed to keep their shape.
To stuff mine I usually use clean plastic bags from the shops I go to. I'm told they take forever to breakdown, so instead of putting them in a landfill - I put them in something beautiful. Here are a few puffy stars from last year:
In the sunflower picture you can see a warped square and here's a view of a 2 warped squares once connected to form a point with a different picture on each side:
You actually start a warped square in the indentation between 2 points and work rounds of beading until you get to the tips and you have formed 1/2 of 2 points.
Now this star that I am designing does not have an intricate pattern like the ones above - which by the way - the sunflower and penguin designs were created by Mark Weatherhead. Mark W and I worked together on the owl one - he created the Woodsy one - I created the Snowy one and then he tweaked everything so it came out looking just right. I created the geometric design.
No - this one has a structural difference from all these stars. This one is not flat on the surface - and that is all I am going to say right now until I see if this looks as cool as I think it will. I will however tease you with the Delica colors I am using.
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Just FYI - kits and patterns for the stars above and other items can be found in my Etsy shop, The Ornamental Lady.